Central Park

  • Bank payments and collections utility for use across an entire enterprise
  • Automate daily banking with optimal efficiency and by reducing risk
  • Apply validation, consolidation and approval rules automatically
  • Track all changes to transaction requests with audit trails

CentralPark is a web application with everything running on the web server. It runs on Microsoft IIS using ASP.NET and the Microsoft.Net Framework. The data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database and reports are from Microsoft Report Server. Users need IE8 or compatible browsers.


  • Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016
  • Database Servers: Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014/2016/2017
  • Microsoft .Net Framework: 4.5.2 with ASP.NET
  • Browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Chrome64+
  • Web Server: Microsoft Internet Information Server 6 or later
  • Additional Dependencies: Microsoft Report Viewer 2008


  • Server application with web access – simplifies deployment
  • Industry standard, high-performance database
  • Extensible RDL reporting
  • Configurable back-office system integration